Being part of a family is a wonderful privilege and incredible challenge. Listen and watch as Dr. Jeremiah shows us God’s plan for marriage, and how to overcome the inevitable obstacles to a house of harmony and happiness.
Married couples in Corinth needed clear instruction on how they were to treat one another. Paul wrote to them and explained the mutual ministry a husband and wife have toward one another. From the series The Authentic Christian Life. Covers I Corinthians 7:1-5.
In this message, we will learn four principles that will help us build and preserve our families. Covers Psalm 127.
Marriage, and therefore family, was God's first institution--established prior to the entrance of sin and thereby assuming a permanent priority in God's economy. Joseph demonstrated his understanding of that priority as he cared for his own family, especially his father, in Egypt. Covers Genesis 46:8-34 & 50:1-13.
From the series God Meant it For Good.
Parents say they can’t wait until they are “empty-nesters.” But when that day comes, parting becomes bittersweet sorrow. Preparing for the time when children leave home is key. With the proper perspective, promoting children to lives of their own becomes a cause for celebration. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Hopeful Parenting.
The definition of marriage has come under attack in modern cultures. But the definition is not debatable – it is the privilege of the designer of marriage to define it. God said in the beginning that marriage was one man and one woman joined in a permanent bond that honors Him. Covers selected Scriptures. From the series Hopeful Parenting.
Divorce statistics in America are frightening. What is more frightening is that Christian marriages are dissolving at the same alarming rate as marriages in general. Proverbs is a book filled with wisdom for creating a marriage that will last—from the inside out. From the series Powerful Principles from Proverbs. Covers Proverbs 5-15-20.
How does a Christian mother sort through everything she has to do and arrive at a balance that will have the greatest impact on her family? Dr. David Jeremiah gives biblical insights from the life of Hannah about how a mother can order her priorities and bring the greatest joy to her Heavenly Father. Covers 1 Samuel 1-2.
As every husband and wife knows, a marriage is life’s most fulfilling and most challenging relationship. Courage can slip away through the years, leaving spouses discouraged. To stay encouraged, three things are needed: responsibility, intimacy, and transparency. Covers selected Scriptures.
It’s one of the core principles of the Christian life, and it’s to be modeled in a godly marriage. Yet the concept of submission is widely misunderstood. Dr. David Jeremiah seeks to clarify the confusion with a close look at the Bible’s specific instructions for wives, husbands, and children. Covers Colossians 3:18–4:1.